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Vertically Relevant
Click Exchange!

Clicks to Convert turns clicks into sales with
features like:

- Vertically Relevant Ad Placements
- Second Price Auction
- Multiple Ad Sizes

A click exchange built to deliver results!

Reach in-market consumers who are ready to convert

Clicks to Convert is a media marketplace where advertisers partner with vertically relevant sites and media outlets, targeting consumers that are in-market and ready to engage.

Highly Targeted

Vertical based filter sets and targeting options ensure you reach the consumer profile you desire

Multiple Creatives

Ad units that range from listing style to traditional banner ad sizes allow for maximum flexibility and customization

Vertically Relevant

Publishers display ads for the verticals that align with their sites and content, creating high relevancy and likelihood of conversion.

Easy Integrations

For advertisers and publishers alike, integration can be a simple plug-and-play that is ready in minutes or we can do a complete custom integration.

Designed to Deliver, Made for You!

Clicks to Convert was created from the desires, needs, and pain points we heard in the marketplace.

As publishers ourselves, we have worked with many advertisers to understand their needs. We also understand how publishers think and operate their media. It is this deep knowledge that went into creating a complex yet simple to use click exchange designed to do one thing… deliver quality, high intent clicks that will convert into new customers.

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Branded Experience

All ads are designed to showcase the brand and value proposition of our advertisers before a user choses to visit your site.

Right Price Bidding

Clicks to Convert operates as a second price auction for every ad displayed. This means you only pay the exact price needed to win the bid.

Transparent Marketplace

As an exchange we put advertisers and publishers together in a transparent manner. You decide who to do business with and optimize accordingly.

Advanced Reporting

Real-time reports are available for every campaign, every publisher and every click. Custom reports and API endpoints are also available.
